Globe Broadband: The maximum speed stuck to 400kbps

This speed you see in the Statistics tab on your Globe Tattoo program might be frustrated. This happen occassionally between 9 to 11 o'clock at night. You will not guaranteed that everything in the browser will load properly. Here's the thing might experience while you are surfing if this was the speed: When you are searching images on Google, some of it are failed to load. When you are going to play online music, mostly the maximum speed is 128kbps. So, this will not guarantee you to play properly because of its constant buffering. Pausing a few times will solve the problem, but sometimes it's not working - possibly because the online music server itself or your internet service provider. One tab at a time in order to load properly. When you are in YouTube, the video will load properly but, in some cases, either user profile picture or video thumbnail will fail to load. While you are create article in Blogger, occasionally, the auto-save fails and/or the error messa...